Saturday, 24 February 2007
The NHS...

Anyone who knows me knows that one of my pet hates is the blessed institution we know as the NHS. Having had serious difficulties trying to get simple tests done on the NHS for a mere fracture over the past year (yes that's right I said a year Tony) I know how it feels to be let down by our NHS. I was out canvassing this morning with my good friend Martine Martin and the main issue on the doorsteps was the closure of hospitals, MRSA and the ever increasing problems with health services in this country. When will New Labour finally realise that over managing the NHS does not help it in any way shape or form? I'll tell you when; when they are the official opposition to a Conservative government. Why do we let this happen time and time again? Targets don't work (now being blamed for the 59% rise of hospital infection deaths in one year), mismanagement doesn't work (the reasoning behind countless Accident and Emergency wards being closed, not to mention how many hospitals are under threat) and most importantly New Labour doesn't work (the reason behind all of the problems today with the NHS). They can't keep blaming the Tories for ever.